Lipo-6 is a fat burnerthatrelies on 6 ingredients to produce results. This diet pill was originally Ephedra based, which is a controversial ingredient due to negative media attention. Other ingredients included:
• Caffeine, used for its stimulating effect.
• Coleus Forskohlii which helps to raise thyroid hormone levels and can increase fat burning.
• Citrus Aureantium intended to increase metabolic rate, although there is no scientific evidence for this.
• Yohimbine which facilitates muscle growth and possibly weight loss.
• BioPerine aids the body’s ability to absorb aminos, nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
There is currently an Ephedra free version of Lipo-6 available following a ban on Ephedra. This new formulation includes the same ingredients but has replaced the Ephedra with Guggulsterones and Carnitrex. Guggulsterones stimulate the thyroid gland and decreases blood fats and cholesterol whilst Carnitrex helps to burn fatty acids.
Side Effects
The Ephedra based version was known to cause Ephedra induced side effects such as:
• Increased heart rate
• Increase in blood pressure
• Danger of contraindication when taken with other medicines or existing medical conditions such as thyroid problems, heart disease or kidney issues.
Although the Ephedra free product will not cause these Ephedra based symptoms, there are other potentially dangerous side effects due to the other ingredients in Lipo-6. These side effects may include:
• Feeling jittery
• Headaches
• Mood Swings
• Chest pains
• Fainting
• Insomnia
• Acne
Becuse Lipo-6 changed their product to be Ephedra free, they not only took away the risk of Ephedra side effects, but also took away the one ingredient included in their formulation that has actually shown good weight loss results in trials. Because of this, the results gained from using Lipo-6 are likely to be less pronounced.
In addition, the risk of side effects is still very real due to the other ingredients included in the product and customers should be prepared for these symptoms which can affect their moods and ability to carry out everyday tasks. Skin complaints such as Acne are also possible which will have a direct effect on users confidence which will surely detract from any weight loss benefits they recieve.
In summary, without the Ephedra, users are left with a product that still produces side effects yet is not as effective. This is not good news for customers, who are likely to be paying for results that simply will not be of the standard they expect.
Potential customers are urged to research alternative weight loss methods to eliminate or minimize possible side effects. A healthy diet and regular exercise are always reccomended.
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